Rudy Giuliani: McCain's predicted U.S. Vice President 2008

While the Democrats are busy doing what they're doing I have time to take a further look at my prediction from 15th January '08. The question all around these days is about who will be John McCain's running mate where I sorted out Rudy Giuliani long time ago here. As things develope I can only be more certain than ever since Rudy as predicted dropped out of the presidential race and endorced McCain with a smile. He didn't campaign at all and I called him a faker who will soon give it all for John McCain and the vice presidency.

Did you ever wonder what happened to Rudy Giuliani and why his campaign collapsed before he finally dropped out of the presidential race to endorce with a smile John McCain? Have you ever asked yourself how an experienced guy like him could decide to just skip six GOP contests anyway and despite all warnings, following a "strategy" nobody has ever heard of before? After all, Rudy Giuliani once held a double-digit lead - only to give it away. Where were his political advisers and what did they really have in mind? Why did the former mayor of New York all over sudden become a "horrific campaigner"?

Take a look what an ethusiastic guy Mr. Giuliani actually can be when he really wants to win...

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